Saturday May 12, 2018 !
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thanks to the enthusiastic Millwood community, amazing sponsors, volunteers, parents and school staff for a successful
2018 Fun Fair !
We couldn't have done it without you.
Special Thanks to our FunFair Chair Tatiana !
New this year! Unlimited Play Wristbands, sold online only (until May 9)!
Catering from The Mighty Cob - Available for purchase online or at the Fun Fair !
Returning - Live Shows, Bouncy Castles, Exotic Pets, Laser Quest & our famous CAKE WALK !
The Millwood School Fun Fair is a biennial event and an integral part of our fundraising, helping us to provide the many in-school events, new equipment & supplies that enrich the Millwood school experience for our children.
Our Last Fun Fair (held May 7th, 2016) raised over $14,000 thanks to our sponsors, parents, and the many volunteers who took the time to help out. Most importantly, the community came out and had fun!
Interested in being a community sponsor or vendor, making a donation, or helping out in any other way?
We need dedicated volunteers for our FunFair Committee! Parents, Students, and Community Members Wanted!
Interested? View the forms below, or please send us an email: millwoodfunfair@gmail.com