Each year Millwood Home and School funds various educational programs and initiatives, including presentations, plays, and Scientist in the Classroom. These initiatives require financing as well as parent volunteers. Every lending hand counts – whether you buy something, donate money, time, food, or a combination of all, we need you!
Please consider how you can support our children and their school - ALL help is greatly appreciated !
Current volunteering / donation opportunities are found on the Home tab
No time, don’t need more stuff, and not a baker? Consider a one-time cash donation with ANNUAL GIVING !
Thanks for showing off your Millwood school spirit with the purchase of a Long Sleeve T-shirt ($20), Sweatpants ($35), Pullover ($35), or an MJS Toque ($16).
This year's campaign is now complete, please stay tuned for future campaigns.
2022-2023 Your donations In Action
entire school trip to tso (toronto symphony) - feb, 2023
$5000 - junglesport whole school climbing/ropes program
$1,500 - kindergarten supplies: play houses, cars, speakers
+ Funding for gym equipment, robotics teams, music, recess
2021-2022 Your donations In Action
Virtual bingo night - March 1, 2022
X-Movement and junglesport- postponed due to covid
$2,500 - recess kits for zoneD outdoor play
Funding for robotics teams, musical instruments, kindies
2019-2020 Your donations In Action
OTHER opportunities
Interested in labels for your family? Millwood H&S has enrolled in the mabel's labels fundraising program and will receive back a portion of every sales order placed. Simply make your order via the fundraising portal at (or click the logo), and choose Millwood from the pull-down menu. Easy ordering and free shipping.
Please note that as of Sept. 2019, unfortunately QSP has ceased operating.
If you have suggestions for alternate fundraising programs, please contact us!