kindergarten want list
Our 5 Millwood Kindergarten classes have a diverse set of needs that you can help with!
As teachers identify specific 'wants' for their classes, we'll list them here. Contact us or any kindergarten teacher if you can donate any of these items.
Please note: items do not need to be new!
however, they must be in clean, working condition.
Metal 'hot wheels' Cars, Trains, Trucks
Plasma Cars (any colour)
Blocks, Construction Toys
Children's Books (English or French)
Action Figures, Playmobil, LEGO
Little People, Play Houses & Accessories
Barbie Dolls and Accessories
Board Games, Puzzles, Kits
Arts & Crafts supplies, crayons, play-doh, pencils

Please Note: Stuffed animals, broken toys, or toys with missing pieces cannot be accepted. TDSB rules prevent donation of any 'soft' items that cannot be cleaned/disinfected properly.