Past Events
Week of Dec 19-23, 2022
Junglesport returns!! A Millwood 'kid-favourite' :)
All classes had a chance to participate as Junglesport incorporates
with the school's gym and health curriculum!
Monday October 31, 2022
A Millwood Halloween tradition, complete with costume parade
and refreshments for our grandparents!
Thursday October 31, 2019
A Millwood Halloween tradition, complete with costume parade
and refreshments for our grandparents!
September 3, 2019
Welcome back to Millwood for 2019-2020 !
Many new and returning parents joined H&S for some coffee and chit-chat to kick
off the school year! Thanks to all who attended.
June 2019
Thanks to fundraising, the H&S was able to pay to paint the schoolyard
with games and decorations to keep kids excited and moving!
Got an idea where we can spend funding to be most effective? Email us!
Tuesday June 20, 2022
Parents and family of Grade 5 Grads, get ready to celebrate!
Where: Silverthorn CI, with reception to follow at Millwood
Thank You to the parents of Grade 4 students who 'pay it forward' by providing
the food & volunteers to make this event a B-I-G success.
Wednesday April 10, 2019
The purpose of this event is to teach our children the value of reusing toys and recycling, and again this year it was well-received. The Eco Team would like to thank all families that donated items and/or sent funds for the kids to buy an item. The collection was a huge success, as we managed to keep many toys and textiles out of the landfill and raise over $700. Thank you Millwood!
Green Elephant Sale info
Thursday April 4, 2019
THANK YOU to all the fantastic volunteers who donated time and food to make this day a HUGE success!
Our 'Under the Sea' theme was a smash and once again YOU made it happen!
See all the amazing creative decorations here:
February 12th - 14th, 2017
All proceeds directly used to acquire new FR/ENG books for the library.
Friday April 5, 2019
Several French classes enjoyed a visit from a special guest 'voyageur'
to learn about french history in Canada.
Saturday, January 24th
A great turnout out for family skate at West Dean Park! Skating on the ice + Hot Chocolate = Winter Fun!
Friday, December 14th
The event was SOLD OUT! The children gathered in the
gym to decorate houses, what a sugar rush!
Wednesday, Nov 28th
A Millwood Paint Nite was held Lobby the Lounge,
5400 Dixie Road Mississauga.
Wednesday, Oct 31st, 2018
A Millwood Halloween tradition, complete with costume parade and refreshments for our grandparents!
September 19th - October 10th
QSP offers more than just magazines!
Visit the website to shop for JEWELLERY, TERVIS TUMBLERS and GIFT CARDS. All online purchases count towards prizes and a percentage of sales goes back to the school
Tuesday, September 11th 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Come on out, catch up with other parents, teachers, and staff!
CURBSIDE DOGS will be on site from 4:30 to 7:00 pm.
Millwood Logo water bottles will be on sale for $7 each.
Friday, September 7th 9:00 AM
All parents are invited to enjoy coffee and tea! We'll be located in front of the school and look forward to getting to know you!
Friday, March 9th 2017
Ready for March Break? Dress 'cool' in your beach wear today and enjoy a sweet treat (popsicle or ice cream) courtesy of Home & School...Bon Vacances!
Tuesday, February 13, 2017
A 'sweet' success! Thanks to our amazing volunteers for helping out.
Saturday, January 27th, 2017
12:00-1:30 pm at West Deane Park / Martingrove Outdoor Rink
Thanks to our Volunteers who handed out Hot Chocolate and Treats!
Thursday, January 18th 2017
Thanks to all who helped! Click on a hat to see all the Door Photos or go under the 'Events' Tab
Wednesday, December 20th
(Choir Members Please Arrive at 5:40pm) Food Bank Donations will be accepted! Don't forget the 'best seats in the house' Raffle for front-row comfy seats. Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10 OR donate 3 food items to the food bank to get a ticket as well.
As is tradition, the H&S will be providing free Hot Chocolate !
December 14th - 15th, 2017
Teaching Thru Dance - Thu & Fri December 14 & 15 (Entire School Participating!)
See Amy's TEDx Talk here:
or @moveedge or
November 14th - 16th, 2017
Thanks to Julia and all the Volunteers who helped make this Millwood School Initiative such a success !
October 1st - 15th, 2017
Taking over Millwood for 2-weeks in October, The Director's Cut was
a smashing success and a fresh, new initiative for our school.
EVERY student, in every class had an opportunity to work together
to make a film and learn about movie-making! Parents should have
received a link to their child's creation (if not, ask your teacher).
We'd welcome parent feedback as this was a Millwood first!
Please send us an e-mail.
October 31st, 2017
A Millwood Tradition and a highlight of any Grandparent's Social Calendar !
Thursday September 28th, 2017
Well-attended and the weather was crisp, but excellent ! Good Effort Kids!
September 13th, 2017
Our Annual 'meet-the-teacher' night kicks off the school year
and allows parents and students to engage with staff and
other parents while touring the school.
H&S has arranged for Jetsuns Juicy Burger to again offer combo meals for a $5.00 cost.
Each classroom will offer 2 teacher sessions, at 6:00pm and 6:30pm.